Tsurumaki Hamono

Sanjo, a town nestled in the heart of Niigata, boasts a captivating tale of the ancient art of forging. This time-honored craft, deeply rooted in history, has woven its way into the very fabric of this remarkable region. Revered throughout Japan as a haven for hardware manufacturing, this illustrious town has dedicated itself to perfecting the art of forging since time immemorial. Throughout the ages, the mastery of Sanjo's esteemed blacksmiths has transcended boundaries, as their artistry has expanded beyond conventional implements to encompass an exquisite array of opulent gardenware products, such as clippers and shears.

Tsurumaki Hamono's exquisite collection of gardenware showcases their profound comprehension of the intricate requirements of gardeners and horticultural enthusiasts. From meticulously crafted shears, specifically designed to effortlessly trim delicate bonsai, to robust pruning shears engineered to effortlessly conquer even the most resilient branches, their range caters to every gardening need. Each tool is meticulously forged using time-honored techniques passed down through generations, ensuring unparalleled quality. Employing the finest materials, including the legendary Yasugi Steel Blue Paper No. 2, renowned for its exceptional durability and remarkable sharpness retention, Tsurumaki Hamono's commitment to excellence is unwavering.